Zamfara state government has paid the sum of Two Billion, Three Hundred Million Naira to retirees and workers as gratuities, pensions and salaries this December, 2021.

Out of the figure, 400 million Naira was paid to pensioners as pensions and gratuities. While the sum of 1.9 billion Naira was paid to workers as their December 2021 salaries.

The gesture which is part of the government ongoing efforts to cushion the hardships of the retired civil servants who spent years serving the state, is also aimed at reinvigorating their welfare and wellbeing of their families.

The government said as part of its efforts in ensuring adequate welfare of pensioners and workers across the state, it would not relent until all retirees are paid their gratuities in the state.

According  to the Gov "Zamfara state government has this December 2021 paid the sum of Two Billion Three Hundred Million Naira for the settlement of backlog of gratuities of pensioners to reduce  their hardships, as well the salaries of workers. 

"The government paid pensioners and workers, the sum of Two point Three Billion Naira as December salaries, pensions and gratuities across the state.

"Despite the meagre resources at our disposal, government would continue to pay the gratuities of pensioners, until all are paid their entitlements. 

" From now onwards, pensions must also be paid before the payment of workers salaries every month." the Gov ordered the ministry of finance. 

The government also constituted a powerful committee comprising of prominent and prudent personalities to pay all Zamfara state students schooling abroad, their outstanding allowances to enable them pursue their education with vigor. The committee is also ordered to commence the payment of the allowances immediately after the new year break. 

The government therefore solicits for the support, cooperation  and prayers of the general public towards achieving lasting peace in the state, being the most challenging problem bedivelling the state. 


Ibrahim Magaji Dosara 

Hon Commissioner for information

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