A report reaching Access weekly news and films this evening have it that,  no fewer than *5600* APC members from Gummi local government zamfara state decamped to the ruling people Democratic party *PDP* today.

Malam umar Gidado Gummi, and Alh. lawali Hassan birnin magaji the former district head of Birnin magaji Gummi local government received the decamped members at Birnin magaji model primary School Gummi  on behalf of Hon. Hashimu Shehu Gazura the permanent commissioner ( ZASIEC) who was unavoidably absent due to an urgent official engagement.

" Today mark the end of APC existence here in Gummi and by the special grace of Almighty Allah each and every one of you will soon begin to breath fresh air of freedom, and sense of belonging "Umar confidently emphasized.

The occasion ended with prayers for the return of  permanent peace  in some part of the state.

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