Zamfara: Survey used to rate Zamfara State governor Dauda Lawal as the best performing governor in Nigeria laughable.

By Jibrin Abdullahi Gusau.

I read with confusions tears and sorrow in some media outlets about  the cangaroo seminar organized by Zamfara State government under the office of Zamfara State Commissioner for information  in Kaduna over the weekend, where the organizers affirmed the most traveling governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State as the best performing governor in Nigeria.

However, I participated fully  among  those who campaigned  vigorously  in 2023 for governor Dauda Lawal victory with the anticipation that he will work on security, job creation, economic reforms, encouraging small scales businesses, portable drinking water, educational reforms and revamping the educational sector in the State, which every Zamfara citizens believed are the areas where the so called acclaimed organisers of the event blindly selected His Excellency Dauda Lawal as the best performing governor in the entire Nigeria, this of course left me so  seriously confused and tears, as the time that that all is not well in Zamfara State

The declaration of Zamfara State governor as the best performing governor in Nigeria brought so many debates among Nigerias citizens asking the Statistics used to arrive at the decietful selection.

Well, I am of the opinion that, the Zamfara State governor Dauda Lawal could is best governor as someone who decietfuly used chain of  campaign deciet slogan to find his way into Zamfara State government House with out a single blueprint.

From my own observations, and as one of the person who have been following governor Dauda Lawal style of leadership in Zamfara, I can categorically say that His Excellency governor Dauda Lawal is indeed the best in the following areas..

1.. The history of Zamfara State can not never be  concluded without saying that  His Excellency governor Dauda Lawal succeeded in securing about  160billion Naira as a loan yet no body in Zamfara State that can point out where the said amount was utilize for the benefits of Zamfara Masses.

2.. Dauda Lawal remained and continue  be the best performing governor for diverting the 6 billion Naira Federal government palliative meant  for the Zamfara State Masses, and if there is any records of where Dauda Lawal judiciously spent the said for the Masses benefit the entire Zamfara State Masses including elites are challenging His Excellency to clear his Name.

3.. The organizers also blindly talked about beautifying the State Capital, as far as we are concerned His Excellency Dauda Lawal only engaged in painting the metropolitan roads build by the previous administration, infact he has not build a single 100 meters of roads since he took over the mantle of Zamfara State leadership.

4.. Security Challenge in Zamfara State, it's in records and every Zamfara State residence can vindicate me that His Excellency Dauda Lawal has never for once care about the thousands of internally displaced persons nor - giving them assistance he only come into the State as soon as  he was alerted of the arrival of monthly allocation after three days of disbursement he will zoom off untill the next following month before he will re appear for dispersement of the State meager resources. 

5.. I will not stop praising Zamfara State governor as the best performing governor because he is the only governor in Nigeria within 2 month in office to purchased  2 Latest rocket proof G- Wagon at the rate of close to 3 billion Naira for his personal use leaving Masses at the mercy of Kidnappers.

6.. Yes His Excellency governor Dauda name will not be easily forgotten as the best performing governor who sacked 3000 legitimate Civil Servants for political differences and thrown them in to labor market.

7.. he is also the best performing governor  to hired  expatriate like professor Mato who was one time Kaduna State Commissioner for Local government to pilot in the spending of Zamfara State monthly allocation while our hard working civil servants are sidelined to participate in in their legitimate primary civil Service responsibilities.

Let me put a stop here and kindly endeavor to follow me in my next article to expose His Excellency Dauda Lawal Dare of Zamfara State style of his decietful governance agenda to the good people of Zamfara.

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