One year after: Nigeria under Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu.


Not only in Nigeria, Africa but; the world at large watched with keen interest, the 

political gerrymandering by the presidential henchmen and a number of heirarchy of the 

ruling party, the naira redesigned policy within the economic space by the head of the 

Apex bank, collectively conspired in a calculated plan to sabotage the presidential 

ambition and halt the emergence of Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the 16th President of the 

federal republic of Nigeria. Day one into the ruling party's presidential primary to the 

general elections, plots were designed and unveiled to frustrate his chances of winning 

the presidency, except for the thirteen governors of the ruling party, who firmly stand to 

halt a north and south possible political conflict, with tendency to throw the country into 

disharmony, and the likelihood to trigger agitation for disintegration, and the three 

governors of the ruling party, who legally challenged the Buhari administration of the 

undercover conspiracy to, at a platter, give away the presidency and the country to the 

opposition, through the presidential approval and enforcement of the naira redesign 

policy. Thirteen million voters were mobilized against Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu's 

emergence, fortunately and tactically, he infiltrated the ranks and file of the opposition 

parties, penciled to take over the mantle of leadership of the country, following the exit of 

President Muhammadu Buhari, aided by the thirteen and more aggressive in the team, the 

three governors, in other words; Bello Muhammad Matawalle, Yahaya Adozie Bello and 

Nasir Ahmad el-Rufa’i, who, tirelessly, worked to counter the plotted plot of the 

presidential lapdogs and Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu to took over the lead at the polls and 

assumed the presidency of the country for yet; another four years. For clarity of purpose, 

the thirteen million votes were generated from 6.9mn votes of Atiku Abubakar and 6.1mn 

votes of Peter Obi, strategically and sagaciuosly, Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu smartly 

moves into their fold to create a conflict of interest, and the candidates of the opposition 

parties were politically foolish to fall into the trap, which terminated their presidential 

dream, and all is now history.

Lastly, Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu emerges with over 8mn votes, and was sworn-in on the 

29th May, 2024. Sadly, he took over a wrecked economy, with a liability of over #43trn, 

without equal in size; infrastructure and human capital growth to march the debts and a 

budget that creates crisis in the oil sector, with two digits billion dollar depleted foreign 

reserve of $32.33bn, leading to naira-to-dollar crisis that suffocated the economy. And 

regardless of the degree of the damages, within the polity and the economy, President 

Bola Ahmed Tinubu was quick to evolve, unveiled and implemented far reaching fiscal 

and monetary policies to cut to size; the unprecedented level of human and systematic 

degeneration. Firstly; he took the battle to the door mouth of the central bank's 

misapplications and misappropriations of resources via support grants and developmental 

financing, much after rolling out measures to address the callousness in the sector, with 

the immediate former CBN governor and co-abusers, behind the camera, coming under 

scrutiny, with mind boggling revelations and recoveries therefrom; running into millions 

in pound sterling, billions in dollar and trillions in naira rates. However and similarly, the 

Bola Ahmed Tinubu presidency took the battle to the oil sector, with import substitution 

measure to suppress the pressure on demand against the stagnant or downward fall in the 

supply, through the reactivation and turnaround maintenance of the nation's refineries, 

with completion timeline on or before December 2024. In the same vein and for the same

purpose and result, the administration re-focuses its attention and energy on the gas 

subsector of the economy, abundantly endowed but laying underutilized, to control or 

perhaps, reduce the demand and usage of the PMS to certain percentage by car owners 

and the number in the public transportation sector, aimed at stabilizing the dollar demand 

pressure, with adverse effected on the value of the naira, by extension the stability of the 

economy, primarily, to cushion and zero down the prevailing high cost of living in the 


Still and for economic prosperity, the administration, in less than a month or two in 

power, took a bold step to restructured the administrative framework of select a number 

of the MDA's with innovative ideas and changes for productive results. Yet, the Orosanya 

report that proved impossible to be implemented, regardless of its result oriented, by the 

past governments, the Bola Ahmed Tinubu presidency nailed the Bull by the horn and 

gave the matching order to an implementation presidential committee, with 

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