Fake news: Zamfara State government working to Fly out aid after failed mission to tannish, Defence Minister Name."Source.


Report reaching Zamfara Newsletters indicate that, the Zamfara State government has concluded plans  to Fly  Abdul Balarabe out of the country after his failed sponsored attempt to tannish the image of the Honourable Minister of State for Defence His Excellency Bello Mohammed Matawalle for gifting 50 bags of rice to the famous Northwest bandits kingpin Ado Aliero as Ramadan palliative.

An Assistant Director working with the Zamfara State government House who declined to mention his Name for the fear of Victimization from the State government authoritatively confirmed that Abdul Balarabe has been in hiding in  one of the 19 Northern governors lodge since when he falsely broke the news of the immediate past  governor of the state His Excellency Bello Mohammed Matawalle for gifting 50 bags of rice through Honourable Musa Bawa Yankuzo and Abdullahi Headmaster respectively.

" Upon Nationwide  condemnation of Abdul Balarabe fake news and the possible litigation, Abdul Balarabe was ordered by the State government to remain silence in government House Gusau before possibly Jetting him out of the Country to excape Court action from Honourable Musa Bawa Yankuzo who is currently performing Umrah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, " Said one of the Assistant Director working in Zamfara State government House.

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