Zamfara Circle Petitions Governor Dauda Lawal and ZSHA Speaker Over The Nomination of Non-indigene as ZIRS Chairman in Breach of Revenue Law.


Zamfara Circle Community Initiative has submitted a petition to both the Governor and the Speaker of the Zamfara State House of Assembly over a breach of the Zamfara state Consolidated Revenue Law 2020, by nominating a non-indigene as the Executive Chairman of Zamfara Internal Revenue Service (ZIRS) which is in contravention to the provisions of section 4(1)(a)(ii) of the state’s Revenue Law which mandates that the Executive Chairman of ZIRS must be an indigene of the state.

The Circle’s investigations have uncovered that the nominee, Mrs. Rakiya Ibrahim Baba Gusau, an indigene of Katsina State, is identified as Rakiya Ahmed Dodo in records available at the Federal Revenue Service, where she is presently employed. This inconsistency raises concerns about the nominee altering almost her entire name to secure an appointment in Zamfara.

The Circle firmly believes that our state boasts qualified, competent, and experienced professionals in tax administration capable of running the affairs of the Service. Consequently, the Circle appeals to both the Governor and the State House of Assembly to thoroughly investigate this matter, provide clarification where necessary, and consider amending the nomination to prevent the establishment of a detrimental precedent.

The Circle finds it imperative to emphatically remind both the Executive and Legislature to always keep in mind that they are serving the public and any law enacted should be respected and upheld in the business of governance. Furthermore, the Circle urges the Legislature to ensure that any new law or amendment to existing legislation undergoes public endorsement through a constitutionally mandated public hearing.

The Circle believes that law that fails to follow due process through getting inputs from the public deserves to be rejected by members of the public.

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