Zamfara Cultism: 56 lawyers, 6 Senior Advocates sets to meet Maibubu in court for manslaughter.

Just in: Zamfara top politician Alh. Maibuhu Gummi has been declared wanted over mysterious death of two teenage children inside his car.

It was also gathered that the twin brothers were the only children of their parents who have been waiting justice over twenty years now. 

It is against this background that a group of lawyers comprising senior advocates of Nigeria gathered yesterday in Gusau the state capital to see to the end of the delayed justice for the poor family. According to them, "justice delayed is justice denied" and promised to ensure justice is done to the little kids who were murdered by the suspected cultist politician. About 56 lawyers including Six senior advocates of Nigeria SANs declared interest and their support to help the poor parents get justice for the ritual killing of their children by the suspect Alhaji Salihu Maibuhu Gummi. 

According to Islamic religious believe, a dead person must be buried as soon as he or she is pronounced dead, but in the case of the murdered children, it took sometime before burying their corpses, which further angered their parents. Reports said the two Imams who performed the Jana'iza of the kids discovered some parts of the murdered children missing.

Another information also revealed that the politician attempted to bribe the man who raises alarm with the sum of 500,000 but vehemently rejected the offer.

Detail soon...

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