Regular combatant Recruitment: Brigadier General Kanoma vows to monitor zamfara process.

As the 84 regular recruitment intake of the Nigeria Army kick start,  Brigadier  Gen. M.U Kanoma  and Major   Aliyu K. Aliyu both from the Army Headquarters Abuja Arrived Zamfara State to monitor the ongoing Exercise to make that only the state indigenes scale through the exercise.

Accesss weekly correspondent reports that, Zamfara State Director General Quota system and  recruitment Malam Kabir Gusau    appealed with General Kanoma to assist Zamfara State indigenes because  according to him, " The Executive Governor of Zamfara Bello Muhammad Matawalle has given him a marching order to ascertain only the state indigenes and to make sure of their success entry into the ongoing exercise.

Reacting to the DG. Request, Gen. Kanoma said that, "he will monitor the process professionally to make sure that the candidates actualize their dream to serve their fatherland.

"Let me emphasize here that in case you are among the lucky one to be enlisted, always have it at the back of your mind that, a soldier goes to where he or she is send and does what he is ask to do , " Gen. Kanoma gives hint to candidates.

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