Revealed! How Fmr. Zamfara State Deputy Governor Mahdi, Diverted N840M Meant For People Living With HIV.

Sahel medium investigative Journalist Collins James, has obtained some classified documents where the immediate past Deputy Governor of Zamfara State, His Excellency Barrister Mahdi Aliyu Gusau, diverted millions of Naira meant to take care of people living with HIV for his personal use.

The source further said that, “Colonel Bala Mande former Chief of Staff to the Zamfara State Governor collaborated with Mahdi and convinced the Governor that the items have been supplied.

But in the cause of Governor Bello Muhammad Matawalle routine supervision, the monumental fraud was discovered that, the Deputy Governor intentionally diverted the Money for his personal use.

Recalled that, the impeached Former Deputy Governor had last week said that, “His boss the Executive Governor has never for one day acknowledge him as his Deputy,” a statement which citizens of the state described as falsehood.

Below are the classified documents for the general public to see.

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