Governor Bello Muhammad Matawalle of Zamfara State has on Friday ordered the immediate Closure of all weekly Markets in the State

Governor Matawale also ordered the immediate closure of the filling stations that are outside each of the 14 local government headquarters of the state.

The governor who was addressing the press shortly after receiving the freed students of the College of Agriculture and Animal Sciences Bakura abducted by the bandits about a week ago, said the measures became necessary in view of the current rate of abduction in the state.

He said “the new measures which are aimed at curtailing the growing activities of bandits in the state, banned all filling stations in the state from selling fuel except in Gusau and the headquarters of other local Government areas of state.

” This is in addition to, no eligible filling station is allowed to sell fuel of more that N10,000 to a single customer.”

The government also disallowed the sale of fuel in jerry cans in all filling stations and roadside purchase and selling of the products the products ( black market).

The Government further ordered that the transportation of livestock to and from the state is henceforth suspended, while the transportation of food stiff across the state and outside the state must be verified to authenticate its destination, otherwise will be seized and taken to the orphanage.

The new rules further include the banning of riding on motorcycles and tricycles from 6pm to 6am in the state, except in the state capital where the ban takes effect from 8pm to 6am everyday.

The banning order also requires all tricycles with curtains to stop for search and verification of its passengers.

Governor Matawalle reiterated the ban on more than two persons riding on a motorcycle and warned that those who break the law stand the risk of being shot at sight by security operatives.

The Governor called on all citizens in the state to observe the rules to avoid unfortunate incidents as the security operatives have been empowered to treat offenders and suspected bandits, adding that a committee will be constituted to monitor and ensure strict compliance.

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