The Northern coalition for peace NCP under the chairmanship of Hon. Dr. Umar Bello Call on the federal government under the leadership of president Muhammadu Buhari to consider establishing the North west development commission to assist the displaced persons who lost their properties as the results of banditry.

Umar lamented that, ” the burden are too much for the Northern Governors to cope with considering the meager resources the states are getting from the federal government monthly, and since the protection of lives and properties remain the cardinal responsibilities of the federal government, the establishment of the Northwest development commission is very necessary at this critical moment. ” Umar appeal.

Umar further said that,” if an urgent precautions are not taking by the Federal Government, in the nearest future some Northern Governors would find it difficult to pay their staff salaries due to the humongous amount of money being spent on the displaced persons by Northern Governors every day.

Take an example of the States like Kebbi, Zamfara, Katsina , Niger, and Kaduna, these States mentioned needed a Special Funds intervention from the Federal Government to survive, if not, the State Governors from these states Will find it very difficult to execute any projects. ” Umar lamented.

In another development, Dr. Umar appreciate the efforts being made by the Federal Government in the fight against the dreaded bandits and other criminals in the region, urging the President Buhari led administration to re double more efforts.

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