Going back to once upon a time in history, the structures that existed in the wake of Zamfara State creation in 1996 to the time in record when the present Administration of Governor Bello Muhammed (Matawallen Maradun) came into power as the fifth in the series of successive Number One citizen of the State, the structures that existed wore a facelift that were no more than local in outlook.

With the coming in of Matawallen Maradun at the helm of the State Government affairs, however, the atmosphere sooner than later began to get a new dimension in all aspects of development. The structures were transformed into a befitting level, with a number of changes effected in tune with standard advancement of time.The Governor proves himself of high taste in all ramifications. He equally showed his passion for moving along the modern reality in the areas of public edifices of government structures and other structures erected for the benefit of the populace. He pursued every program of that nature with global taste in both design and construction to a standard.This manifests in all the transformational programmes especially capital projects that add value to the economy and beautification of the urban areas across the State.

Yes! Say it loud again! Governor Bello Matawalle has undisputably a strong passion and taste not only on his personal life, but equally in the process of executing the most needed capital projects in the State. 

I want to draw our attention to the existing strategic places and the newly introduced projects which were transformed to the best global standard comparable beyond example with that of any State in the Federation.

Start counting some few examples:

1. Government House: Formally a local government secreteriat in the defunt Sokoto State era, it was converted into the State Government House that accommodated the interim Government of the then State Sole Administrator Col Jibril Bala Yakubu. It's structures had little developmental structures since the creation of the State. Successive leaderships made some renovationas and minor additional structures into it. 

Today, it was Governor Matawalle who gave State Government House  its most deserving and befitting outlook in respect of its internal and external view. It now answers a standard Government House with different edifices of chalets erected, well equipped and furnished to fit in as equal to the task of accommodating any VIP from within and outside the country.

 Also, the passionate Governor has transformed the existing three conference halls within the Government House premises. Each of the structures were transformed to ultra modern standard. In fact the general renovations of the Government House which was criticized by a group of like minds among synics, is what today stands as a symbol of pride to all well meaning people especially the progressives and well wishers of the State. Simply put, Zamfara Government House story is certainly a reality, a mission well accomplished, by all standards.

2. Zamfara State House of Assembly Complex: It was built by the administration of Col Jibril Bala Yakubu. Since then, however, the complex has never had witnessed any meaningful renovation or additional structure into it. But the legislative center came across an inception of a leader with a difference in his outlook on the necessity for a conducive working atmosphere in general, a leader with legislative experience who vows to demonstrate his continuous loyalty to the legislative arm of government in the State. This is Governor Bello Matawallen for you. He saw to it that the features of the old structure has totally changed from local to ultra modern Assembly Complex. 

On this note, I can without contradiction proudly say Zamfara State House of Assembly Complex is one of the best structures of its kind across Nigeria. This is the reality, this is the handiwork of the present administration of Governor Bello Muhammad Matawalle Maradun. 

3. Deputy Governor's Office: It is under construction and at the finishing touches and fittings level. The structure is also of best standard designed to withstand the test of time. Located right adjacent to the old structure, the new edifice stand as the Deputy Governor's Office.

 For site seeing, the new structure accommodating the official seat of governance by the Number Two State Citizen is situated at Mallam Yahaya Gusau Secretariat. I believe no matter what is the view held upon  assessment of it, one would have no option than to give a passmark to the leadership style of Shatiman Sokoto. 

4. J B Yakubu Ultra modern Conference Hall. For several years it served as the only public conference hall in the State Capital. Unfortunately, however, the structure had gradually became dilapidated, having left its condition unattended to for necessary facelift. It was abandoned in that condition by successive State Government administrations that preceded. Upon his assumption of power, however, Governor Bello Muhammed Matawalle prevailed on progressive outlook, coupled with the particular intrest he has in seeing that Zamfara is well projected to the outside world, Matawalle approved the immediate transformation and renovation of the hall from its local level to the ultra modern standard capable of hosting both local, national and international conferences of any nature.

I bet you would glad to be an eye witness to the reality of this development, having viewed the unique project initiated by Governor Matawalle with the sole aim of beautifying the State, creating job opportunities and boosting the State internally generated revenues. 

5. Cargo International Airport: Realistically, the idea was mapped by the Mamuda's administration, but as time was not on his side enough to at least lead it's stone laying ceremony, the subsequent administration of A A Yari also conceived the idea of adopting the project. I can recall vividly with a public procurement as he then pledged people of the State that henceforth intending pilgrims will be airlifted from Gusau to Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, the promise died a silently, as nothing was done on the site to redeem it.

It wasn't until in 2019 when the digital Governor came on board that he swung into action by actualizing his ambition of constructing the airport. He launched the project having a strong vision and mission for curving out another avenue that benefit the good people of Zamfara State economically and also to attract investors into the State economy. Therefore, when the Governor made his intention public, the negative minded people said it is not possible. Much to their greatest disappointed, however, it was so successfully Barden Kasar Hausa laid the foundation! Moreover, with the level of progress at the project site which was inspected just recently by the Governor, Zamfara would soon join the comity of State/Nations in that direction.

 Therefore, don't ignorantly challenge the giant effort being made towards ensuring that Zamfara State soon become a force to reckon with this wise. The airport site is very open for your individual and collective visitation to see for yourself the reality not fiction and understand that in the present affairs of Zamfara State Government under Matawalle, it is not business as usual. Say it again, Matawalle means business. 

6. Abuja and Kaduna Liaison Offices are hundred percent completed. Unlike before when these important properties owned by the State Government were neglected and abandoned to a very sorry stage, it was so promptly Matawalle administration approved the immediate renovation of the two properties to their present good looking status. Instead of selling out State Government assets, the Government decided to invest in them and make them more valuable  and symbol of proud to the present and future generations yet unborn. 

Matawalle would forever be remembered in uplifting the standard of our great and beloved State, ZAMFARA. 

To be continued.

Comrade Babangida Umar Zurmi, ANIPR, Director General Press Affairs, Deputy Governor's Office, Zamfara State. Member Publicity Sub Committee Matawalle two year anniversary. 

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