To some individuals and groups who have been expressing their concerns over Governor Bello Mohammed's peace process with bandits in the state, we are waiting for military to show their professionalism in rescuing the Kaduna Students of the Federal College of Forestry Mechanisation through kinetic approach rather than negotiations.

Indeed, Governor Bello Mohammed still believes that dialogue is the best approach to solving the lingering security problems in the state and, indeed, the entire North that has been bedevilled with years of banditry attacks.

The position of Matawalle's administration is very clear which is a carrot and stick approach to the dialogue and peace process. Those who refuse to accept the peace process and those who renege on it are squarely being faced with the wrath of the state's operation Hadarin Daji.

The governor adopted a conflict resolution mechanism centered on dialogue which culminated in a series of peace deals with overwhelming outcomes that drew accolades across the country. The Matawalle approach to ending age long violence was the game changer which conflict experts had long advocated and craved.

Days ago, gunmen who abducted 39 students from the Federal College of Forestry Mechanisation in Afaka, Igabi local government area of Kaduna state demanded N500 million for their release.

The kidnappers also released three videos showing the students in what appeared to be a forest, but the Kaduna State Government is yet to respond to the videos and ransom demand as the state Commissioner of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, did not respond to calls and text messages sent to his phone.

Conflicts analysts believed the military option birthed more reactionaries and exacerbated the crisis rather than addressing it. They contended that in order prevent violent conflict from arising, societies need to be able to address underlying conditions that generate grievances and conflict,

This is possibly the reason why the dialogue option by Matawalle had elicited commendations; and as expected and predicted, the peace deal has been achieving the desired outcome.

So, for those who are accusing Governor Matawalle for negotiating with the bandits, we need to appreciate good Governance.

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