His Excellency, the Zamfara State Executive Governor Hon. Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle MON (Shattiman Sakkwato) has declared his interest to host the 2020 national annual maulud celebration in Zamfara state. 

He made this known while hosting the world leader of the Tijjaniyya Sect Khalifah Sheikh Muhammadul Mahi Nyass to a courtesy call at the Government House Council Chamber, Gusau. 

Governor Matawalle said following his presence at the just concluded Sokoto National Maulud where he witnessed unprecedented crowd that is beyond human comprehension, he expressed his interest to host the next annual Maulud in 2022 in the state with a view to have the blessings of the crowd and their supplications for the return of peace and progress of Zamfara State and Nigeria at large. 

The Governor Promised to host next year's annual Maulud with the aim of conducting special prayers for the continued peace, progress and unity of Nigeria. 

He further said that prayers remain the only options for the Muslim ummah to conclusively end the security challenges facing the northern region and the country at large. 

He assured that his administration will continue to accord utmost priorities in all the teaching, learning and prayers according to the teachings of the Noble Prophet Muhammad SAW for the purpose of having one united muslim society. 

Matawalle maintained that teaching and reading of the Holy Qur'an brings total peace to any society while the desecretion of the Holy Qur'an brings calamity. 

He also thanked the Islamic Spritual leader for the timely visit to the state and solicited for intensified prayers for the return of the peace in the state and the country. 

Earlier in his brief sermon, the world leader of the sect, Khalifa Sheikh Muhammadul  Mahi Nyass said he was in Zamfara State to visit his followers and encourage them on the needs to continue offering special prayers for their coutry Nigeria to overcome the current security situation. 

He urged all his followers to be offering special prayers for the return of the peace in Zamfara and the country assuring that prayer is the only weapon that can  destroy people of the under world that are killing innocent souls. 

He also commended governor Matawalle's efforts of giving all the deported Almajiri safe place to live within Zamfara state. 

Khalif Nyass called on governor Matawalle not to relent in that direction of giving total protection to the teachers and learners of the Holy Qur'an as Allah will surely continue to guide him in all his government's undertakings. 

The visit was ended with special prayers from the world leader of the Tijjaniyya for the return of peace in the state and the country at large. 

Those who attended the visit include Former Deputy Governor, Mallam Ibrahim Wakkala Muhammad, former Minister of Finance and Honorary advisor to the governor, Ambassador Bashir Yuguda Gusau, Secretary to the Zamfara State Government, Alhaji Bala Bello Maru, Chief of Staff Government House, Col Bala Mande rtd, Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Bashir Mohammed Maru, Commissioners, Islamic Scholars and Senior government officials among others. 


Director General, Media Public Enlightenment and Communications. 

Government House, Gusau. 

24th March, 2021

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