The police command in Zamfara has arrested four suspects over alleged killing of a Fulani herdsman. At a press conference in Gusau on Sunday, the Commissioner of police, Abutu Yaro, said that the command also recovered 200 rustled cows following its steadfastness in crime fighting.
He said further that some weapons were recovered and the command secured the release of no fewer than eight persons abducted three weeks ago.
The police command in Zamfara has arrested four suspects over alleged killing of a Fulani herdsman. At a press conference in Gusau on Sunday, the Commissioner of police, Abutu Yaro, said that the command also recovered 200 rustled cows following its steadfastness in crime fighting.
He said further that some weapons were recovered and the command secured the release of no fewer than eight persons abducted three weeks ago.
“We recovered no fewer than 200 stolen cows, five AK 47 rifles, three vehicles and a large number of ammunitions,” he said.
According to the commissioner, the peace process being led by the state government has yielded huge results, including the unconditional surrendering of three 3 AK-47 rifles and 47 rounds of live ammunitions.
“As a result of the ongoing peace engagement in Shinkafi Local Government Area, we have recovered one AK-47 rifle with two magazines and 18 rounds of live ammunition,” he said.
Yaro restated the command’s readiness to constantly engage stakeholders in the state to ensure an effective fight against crime and violence.
“We shall continue with the peace process, we shall continue to engage meaningfully with all the stakeholders in order to rid the state of all forms armed banditry,” he said.