His Excellency, Zamfara State Executive Governor Hon Dr. Bello Mohammed MON (Matawallen Maradun) has pledged his administration's total support to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct a credible bye election into the forthcoming Bakura constituency State Assembly. 

The Governor made the pledge when he received the  Zamfara State  Resident Electoral Commissioner, Dr Asmau Sani Maikudi on a courtesy visit at his office in Government House, Gusau. 

 Matawalle said his administration is determined to support the nation's electoral umpire in the conduct of free and fair elections that will be credible and acceptable to all political parties in the country. 

He explained that, conducting credible election is the key to having good leaders that will bring positive development in the State and country. 

He stressed the need for the Commission to explore more areas of conducting more credible and acceptable elections in the country even with the current Covid-19 pandemic. 

He also assured the Commission of his administration's total support in ensuring that all Covid-19 Protocols and procedures are observed during the forthcoming election despite the fact that Zamfara State is a Covid-19 free state. 

Governor Matawalle also promised to offer all the needed logistics and security during the conduct of the by election in accordance with the Commission's guidelines and procedures.

Earlier in her address, the Zamfara State Resident Electoral Commissioner, Dr Asmau Sani Maikudi said they were at the Government House to discuss issues that are necessary in her Commission's bid to ensure the success of the forthcoming election activity in the state following the demise of a member Representing Bakura local government area at the State Assembly. 

Dr Maikudi informed the Governor that the forthcoming Bakura LGA State House of Assembly bye election will be conducted in tandem with the new global health reality which is a very unusual time with serious implications on the nation's electoral process. 

Stressing that the Commission will ensure strict compliance to all the measures  and Protocols put in place by the Presidential Taskforce and Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) in order to protect voters from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The Commissioner also solicited for the support of the  Government and good people of Zamfara State to enable her Commission to deliver the desired mandate of conducting peaceful, credible and acceptable election.

It could be recalled that the member Representing Bakura constituency in the Zamfara State House of Assembly died on 31th May, 2020 following a brief illness. 

The courtesy call was attended by the Chief of Staff Government House, Gusau, Col Bala Mande (rtd), Head of Service, Alhaji Kabiru Balarabe, PDP State Chairman, Alhaji Ibrahim Mallaha Gusau, members of the State Executive Council and the Permanent Secretary, office of the Executive Governor, Alhaji Abubakar Jaafar Maradun among others. 

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